2022 To Do List & Goals
To Do List & Goals
A few weeks ago I sat down to write out my 2022 to-do list and goals I have for this year. This is actually the first time I’ve ever shared them on my blog but I thought what a great way to hold myself accountable for what I want to accomplish this year.
It almost feels like we’ve lost the last 2 years of our lives and I think just making it through has been the biggest accomplishment of all, don’t you. This year though, it’s time to get specific mentally and physically and make this our best year yet.
I also wrote a post about French inspired ways to live this year which has also helped thinking about what I want to do this year. I am not going to list the things I put in that blog post here since I already wrote about those things I want to do.
Here’s a list of my 2022 to-do and goals. I am making this more of a to-do list because then I don’t feel so overwhelmed and can tackle more on the list without feeling overwhelmed.
Let’s start with my to-do list and then get to the goals. These are in no particular order of priority, just a list of things I want to do in 2022. It will be fun to look back at the end of the year and see what I checked off this list.
2022 To Do List And Goals
- Journaling
- Run a half-marathon
- Go to Paris twice
- Get a new bedroom nightstand and rug
- Continue to edit closet monthly
- Complete one house project a month
- Have a chemical peel done
- Eat like the French
- Buy a new phone
- Grow the blog
Keep Journaling
Journaling has been something I’ve wanted to do for a while now but always found an excuse not to. I am loving the 5-minute journal and having a way to write my thoughts down each morning and evening. Honestly, it’s been such a great process for me to do this every day.
It only takes 5 minutes literally out of my day. I like going back also and looking at what I wrote down for the day that I hope to accomplish. I definitely want to continue to journal daily this year.
Run A Half Marathon
Nathan and I started running in October kind of on a whim. He made the comment that he wanted to start training for a half marathon and I thought well I guess I’ll do that also. I ran a half marathon about 10 years ago and swore that I would never do another one. I am not much of a runner but I’ve actually enjoyed it this time around. We aren’t putting any pressure on ourselves and will just see where this goes.
Go To Paris Twice
A huge goal but I would love to be able to travel to Paris twice this year. We already have a trip planned for this Summer when we go to the South of France. However, we will only be spending a few days in Paris during that time. I would love to be able to go for a week sometime this year and just enjoy the city.
New Bedroom Furniture
We desperately need new bedroom furniture. Our bedroom is one place where I’ve put zero effort into the entire time we’ve lived in this house. It seems there are always other priorities that come up. I’d love to get a new nightstand, rug, and bed frame. I have nothing in mind at this point but our bedroom is the one room in the house that needs to be a focus this year.
Monthly Closet Edit
Since my big closet edit last Summer, I’ve continued to tackle what is and isn’t working in my wardrobe. I would like to do this more consistently and check things on a monthly basis. There’s still so much that needs to go so I am thinking if clean things out/donate items each month maybe that will help.
One House Project A Month
Living in an old home comes with a million house projects. Sometimes, I get so overwhelmed thinking about everything we still need to do on the house. We discussed doing one house project a month this year. It could be something small like hanging shelves in the laundry room, but I think doing it this way will help me not feel so overwhelmed. We already have a list going of things we need to do so this will help in the process.
Have A Chemical Peel Done
Focusing on my skin is a big goal of mine this year and having a chemical peel done is something I’ve wanted to do for a while. After meeting with my dermatologist and esthetician we all decided this would be a good thing to do to help with some scarring and sunspots on my face. I am hoping to get this done sometime first quarter of this year.
Eat Like The French
After going to Paris last year I was so mesmerized by the way the French take the time to enjoy their food. I also love how they only shop a few days at a time to ensure the freshest produce and vegetables. We have started doing that and I want to continue to eat, shop, and cook this way. I only buy enough food for a few days at a time and try to buy only what’s in season.
Buy A New iPhone
My phone is about 2 and 1/2 years old which seems ancient these days. I’d love to upgrade to the newest iPhone hopefully within the next month. I keep saying I am going to do it, but I just haven’t wanted to take the time or money to get it done.
Blog To Do List And Goals
This is a huge area of growth for me, and one I have big goals for this year. La Vie On Grand is a huge passion of mine but last year I decided to make it a business. I did all the things you do when you start a business and I am definitely still feeling my way around.
I really started to learn my niche in the blogging world and it all naturally just started to fall into place. It’s crazy to think I have been blogging on and off for like 8 years but this is the first time it’s felt like a real blog.
There’s so much that goes into blogging behind the scenes that most people don’t see. It’s not just sitting down and writing, that’s the easy part. There’s so much technical boring stuff that has to be done constantly, but it’s so worth it. I feel so lucky to love this website of mine so much.
This year I want to continue to produce as much valuable content as I can. My ultimate goal is to get to Mediavine, which is where I can start working with ad agencies. In order to do that, I need basically 50,000 users a month. I would also like to start working with brands that I love and see where it makes sense to partner.
I have a very very long way to go but am going to do everything I can to get there. You guys are a huge part of that, so thank you for reading my blog. Every time, you guys choose to come to my blog it counts so THANK YOU!!!
I also want to take a few courses this year to help grow my blog. I’d love to dive deeper into email marketing and SEO which is basically how google finds your blog. Again, it’s a lot of technical stuff but so important to learn.
Thankfully, Nathan is very technical and in the IT field so he has helped me so much with all the backend things that need to be done for the blog.
This is a long list of to-do’s and goals but I am hoping to cross off as many as I can this year. Would love to know what some of your to-do’s and goals are. I am always intrigued by what people what to accomplish for the year.
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Some great goals! Running a half-marathon sounds fab! Oh and Paris – it’s such a beautiful city.
Hi Laila! Yes, I am determined we will get that half marathon done and Paris as well. Hope you have a great day! Thanks for stopping by.