
French Fridays Edition No.17

French Fridays Edition No. 17

Bienvenue and welcome to French Fridays Edition No.17 where you will find interesting links to read, French-inspired looks for the week ahead, and a petite plaisir.

street shot of saint germain in Paris.

    If you come across any articles about Paris, French fashion, France, or living a French lifestyle that you think I should know about, please email or DM me.

    French-Inspired Looks Of The Week

    Graphic of clothing items for French Fridays.


    French graphic of clothing to be inspired by the looks of French women.


    Petit Plaisir

    One of my favorite moments from the week.

    lifes little pleasures

    Petit Plaisir

    I picked up the cutest little bouquet from Trader Joe’s. Sometimes it’s just the little things that can bring a smile to your face. These beauties sat on my desk all week, and were under $10.

    Bouqet of flowers

    On My Paris List

    Musée delacroix

    Exterior of Delacrois Museum in Paris.

    I have been to so many museums in Paris but one I have surprinsingly never been to is the Musée Delacroix. The museum is located in Saint Germain which is even more surprising why I haven’t been there since this is the area I always stay in when I am in the city. It’s on my list to visit this summer when we are there.

    6 rue de Furstemberg, 75006

    Photo From musée delacroix

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